It Takes Passion

Sam Billingham in Inspiration

Brodie Smith

Brodie Smith 21

I believe to do things well you have to have a passion for what you’re doing and this is why I have chosen Brodie Smith for some business inspiration. Often I feel people have aims, dreams but everyday life gets in the way and people drift on by.

A good question to ask yourself or even to others is, what would you like to be, what job do you want? Now take money out of the equation, whats your answer? Still the same?

I want to look at an example of somebody who has taken something they love and lived it in such a way they’re able to make a living from it and pursue it daily. About 18 months ago I and many others had no idea who Brodie Smith was. A little video shows up on Youtube “Frisbee trick shots” you have have seen it. Brodie explains what happened next best.

On May 5, 2012 Brodie writes

1 year ago I decided to upload a video of me throwing frisbees into trashcans in hopes of bringing more attention to Ultimate Frisbee. We thought if we could get 5,000 people to watch it would be awesome. After the first week the video had well over 400,000 views and now 1 year later its at 2.3 MILLION! Because of you guys watching and sharing my videos I have been able to travel to 4 different countries, gone all over the US, and made over 100 videos this past year. A channel that started at 5,000 subscribers is closing in on 150,000! This all seems so surreal and I am so blessed to be able to continue to bring you guys videos that I love to make. I hope this next year is even better and once again

What may have started as just a video to share how awesome ultimate Frisbee is turned into a full time position promoting and sharing ultimate online. Brodie now has 4 Youtube channels, with a total of all over 200,000 subscribers and a total of nearly 40 million video views, this is no small feat. It’s not this Youtube stardom that interests me, all though I really appreciate what this means, its the dedication that leads Brodie to start a daily blog channel and upload everyday almost without fail. Not only does Brodie promote online but he played in the first professional Frisbee league the AUDL. Brodie took something he loves and gets to live it each day, isn’t that what everyone wants, who needs a perfect business model.

Check out more Brodie Smith below

Everything Ultimate

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Published October 07, 2012 by Sam Billingham in Inspiration